Don’t miss a single detail in due diligence

The devil’s in the details of any deal – which is why our M&A due diligence software combines AI and machine learning to automate the contract review process for speed, security and accuracy.

How does eBrevia work?

The AI-powered M&A management software:

  • Extracts content from legal documents

  • Populates due diligence summary templates

  • Points your attorneys directly to the most relevant portions of contracts

eBrevia is pre-trained to spot M&A contract provisions on both the buy and sell side, helping you move through the process 30-90% faster and with fewer missed details. Catch key information related to:

  • Assignment

  • Change of control

  • Indemnification

  • Confidentiality

  • Limitation of liability

  • Insurance

  • Arbitration

  • Term

  • Termination

  • Events of default

  • Remedy

  • Warranty 

You can also train this M&A due diligence software to find any information specific to your company or industry – making the possibilities endless.

In addition to accelerating buy-side due diligence, the system also allows you to efficiently populate sell-side disclosure schedules as well.

How does eBrevia work?

eBrevia doesn’t just extract provisions. It’s full of intuitive, exclusive workflow features to help you act on insights faster and more collaboratively.

Act on insights faster and more collaboratively

  • Find key data with robust search and filtering options

  • Instantly summarize content and populate in Excel, Word or your own database

  • Assign, group, tag and compare documents

  • Share documents and control access across your organization

  • Reference project status and insights via our dynamic dashboard

For M&A, go with the experts

That’s us. eBrevia is the leading choice for M&A and other transactional due diligence review. And the platform is just one in a suite of integrated solutions specifically designed for your enterprise M&A needs.

What else can I do with eBrevia?